To order please email [email protected] or Text 0780780707
or buy online below

Alchemilla Mollis, Sweet Williams, Cornflowers, Orlaya Grandflora, Foxgloves, Delphiniums, Roses, Euphorbia Oblongata, Cosmos, Nigella, Sweet peas, Nepeta, Salvia Caradonna, Phacelia, Lavender, Dianthus
White Antirrhinums, Dahlias, Nicotiania, Salvia Oxford Blue, Phlox, Astrantia, Veronicastrum, Scabious, Rudbeckia, Verbena Bonasaris, Helianthus, Echinacea, Hydrangea, Zinnias, Cosmos
What they say…
“I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed picking the flowers in your beautiful garden and that there were so many wonderful blooms that it made it difficult to choose which ones to cut. I brought my bucket home and sat in the garden with a glass of prosecco and arranged them in a vase, they looked stunning.Thanks again and I will definitely be back!”Dawn
“Thank you for the beautiful flowers, they were perfect and much admired. ”
Sue 2022
“Catherine my daughter was thrilled with the flowers – they were lovely.”
“India and I very much enjoyed cutting flowers at your beautiful garden last week. Thank you so much. ”
Melissa 2022.
“The flowers in the bucket looked so beautiful I. was tempted to not arrange them but leave them”
“Thank you so much for all of your help with the flowers for our wedding yesterday – they were perfect and we couldn’t have asked for anything more!”
Rajan and Aline
“Beautiful, colourful, fresh flowers – perfect as a gift for my mother and lasted weeks”

Members of:
The principle beds are quite narrow – the main feature is the different climbing roses with Viticella climbing up between them from late May onwards.
We have a vibrant mix of colour throughout the summer months – with Alliums, Wallflowers and Foxgloves starting the colour season off, followed by the Roses and then Dahlias and bedding plants.
The original walled vegetable garden was set out in the Edwardian times, when there was a household to feed as well as a large resident house staff. In our redesign, we initially removed the Iris borders which edged the whole area, with gravel and a liner to make the beds more accessible.
To keep the garden as authentic as possible we did not add any raised beds, but included some bark paths to divide up the huge beds – to make them more manageable. We love to mix flowers in amongst the vegetables to brighten up the overall appearance. We no longer have young children at home, and hence we have changed the layout of the lawns so that two thirds of the garden is now used for growing flowers to provide additional space to grow a wider variety of flowers to cater for our pick your own visitors for weddings and other events.
Half Hardy plants
Cosmos, Antirrihnums, Zinnias, Ammi Majus and Visaga, Sweet peas, Nigella, Larkspur, Nicotania
Hydrangea, Myrtle, Pittisporum, Gelda rose
There are around 20 different roses around the garden, 12 new this year with many established over 50 years.
Wallflowers, Sweet Williams, Foxgloves
As many as we can fit in as I love them !!! We cover in the winter and inevitably lose some to the frost
Narcissi, Alliums, Daffodils, etc

Caroline Lamb
Knighton Manor
Broad Chalke
Wiltshire SP5 5EB
Tel: 01722 780789
Mobile: 07807 780707
Email: [email protected]